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Inventory in games is a crucial feature for managing player-owned items and currencies. It tracks player acquisitions, whether through in-game purchases, rewards, or other means. Balancy seamlessly integrates inventory management, ensuring a smooth player experience.

Uses of Inventory

Inventory systems can be adapted for various game types, including:

  • In-Game Currencies: Managing virtual money, gems, or resources.
  • Storage in Farm Games: Keeping track of harvested crops, tools, and equipment.

Farm Game Storage Screenshot

  • Bag and Inventory in RPGs: Holding weapons, potions, and other RPG essentials.

RPG Inventory Screenshot

  • Board in Merge Games: Organizing mergeable items or tiles.

Merge Game Board Screenshot

Inventory Item Types

Each inventory is designed to store specific types of items. Currently, items are categorized into two types: Currency and Item.

Balancy's Built-in Inventories

Make sure you have the latest LiveOps package. In the latest package you can set the type for each Item:

Inventory Item Type

  • Currency: all the resources, such as Coins, Gems, Crystals, which can be spend to buy other items. Usually this list is very limited.
  • Item: all other items, like boosters, weapons, runes, etc...

Balancy provides two default inventory systems in the system profile:

  • Currencies Inventory: For managing virtual currencies. Accepts only Currency items.
  • Storage Inventory: For general item storage. Can accept any kind of items.
var currenciesInventory = Balancy.LiveOps.Profile.Inventories.Currencies;
var itemsInventory = Balancy.LiveOps.Profile.Inventories.Items;

There are several methods to manipulate with all the inventories. While working with inventories, the inventories are used is the same order: Currencies ► Items ► Custom Inventories. If you decide to add currency items, they will be placed in the Currencies inventory even though the Items inventory can accept the currency as well. All built-in inventories are auto-expandable, so they can fit any amount of items.

var totalItems = Balancy.LiveOps.Profile.Inventories.GetTotalAmountOfItems(item);
Balancy.LiveOps.Profile.Inventories.RemoveItems(item, amount);
Balancy.LiveOps.Profile.Inventories.AddItems(item, amount);

//remove the items in the price from inventories

//add items in the reward to the inventories

//a convenient method to check if you have anough items to do soft purchase
var enoughItems = Balancy.LiveOps.Profile.Inventories.HaveEnoughItems(price);

Inventory Class Structure

The Inventory class encompasses:

  • Config: Linked to InventoryConfig (temporary not used).
  • Slots: A list of inventory slots.
    • Item: An instance of ItemInstance.
      • Id: Instance Id of the item.
      • Item: Linked to SmartObjects.Item.
      • Count: Quantity of the item.
      • Created: Creation timestamp.
      • Updated: Last update timestamp.

Inventory Operations

With an inventory, you can:

  • GetCopyOfAllSlots(): Retrieve the copy of all inventory slots.
  • GetCopyOfItemInSlot(slotIndex): Retrieve the copy of the item in the specific slot.
  • AddItem(Item, Count, [SlotIndex]): Add an item to the inventory.
  • CanAddItem(Item, Count): Check if an item can be added.
  • ExchangeSlots(Slot1, Slot2): Swap items between two slots.
  • GetTotalAmountOfItems(Item): Get total quantity of a specific item.
  • RemoveItem(Item, Count): Remove a specified quantity of an item.
  • RemoveItem(SlotIndex): Remove an item from a specific slot.
  • Clear(): Empty the inventory.
  • RemoveEmptySlots(): Remove all slots without items.

Custom Inventory

This feature is under construction. Once it's live, you will be able to add unlimited amount of inventories with unique configs.