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Requests, Response Data, and Errors

All Balancy methods are asynchronous with a callback as an argument, invoked once the method is complete. The callback parameter is inherited from ResponseData.

public class ResponseData {
    public bool Success;
    public Error Error;
    public object Data;

public class Error {
    public int Code;
    public string Message;

Response Example:

    "success": true,
    "error": {
        "code": 1,
        "message": "unknown error"
    "data": //some data depending on the request

You need to check if Success is true to be sure that the request was successful and the Data is valid. Otherwise, you must read Error to understand what happened. Here is the list of errors that might occur:

public enum Errors {
    NotInitialized = -1,
    Unknown = 1,

    NoAccessToken = 1000,
    StorageRequestsMadeTooOften = 1001,
    NoSuchProduct = 1002,
    StorageError = 1003,

    UnityPurchasing_PurchasingUnavailable = 1010,
    UnityPurchasing_NoProductsAvailable = 1011,
    UnityPurchasing_AppNotKnown = 1012,
    UnityPurchasing_ProductIsNotAvailable = 1013,
    UnityPurchasing_PurchaseFailed = 1014,

    Nutaku_Error = 1100,

If everything is ok, you can read responseData.Data if needed.